Lee Bermejo

JH Williams III: Batwoman 5 Page 20
Tim Sale: Hulk Gray Issue 1 page 18

Olivier Coipel: Magic Order issue 3 page 15

Duncan Fegredo: Hellboy - The Midnight Circus issue 1 page 34

Gerry Embleton - The Little Mermaid - Robin Vol 11 #35 1963

George Pratt: Weird War Tales #3 (1997) "Run" page 4

Danny Earls: Sample Pages that got him published comic book work
This is the quality of work needed to get you published
More Examples:
- Francis Manapul Comic artist example: https://www.instagram.com/p/BtBzDsTnu60/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
- Inkwash fast example- https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyCn-uuoHiK/?igsh=MWdkcmRocGQxaWlpZw==
- Inkwash example- https://www.instagram.com/p/C4LaprWxeGW/?igsh=OWtwcGQ2aGNuOWJp